
Boxties at Jack Quinn’s Irish Pub and Restaurant

Guinness Beef Boxtie at Jack Quinn's | We Love Local Food

First off, I can’t remember ever setting foot into an Irish restaurant before, so this was a new experience. I’ve also heard about this place but haven’t really had the opportunity to ever try it out. I’m glad I did! Jack Quinn’s is gem in Downtown Colorado Springs. I’m sure the place speaks for itself, and you’ve probably already heard about it from someone else. If you haven’t heard about their food, you’ve probably heard about their weekly running club. Either way, I highly recommend trying out this place if you haven’t already. It’s good.

Guinness Beef Boxtie

Taken from their website about the Boxtie:

The potato has long been central to the Irish diet, for a majority of that time the poor were totally dependent on potatoes to survive. During the Great Potato Famine (1847-1849), a blight destroyed the potato crop, leaving many Irish with no food. Over 1.1 million people died and 1 million emigrated in what was the greatest tragedy in Irish history. At this time workhouses sprang up around the country where people were paid meager wages for industrial labor. The little money they had afforded them the simplest of diets and whatever potatoes they could find went into a flour based pancake and cooked over a griddle.

I ordered the Guinness Beef Boxtie. It had “tender beef tips, braised in Guinness stout with brown sugar onions and bleu cheese bechamel.” I’m normally a fan of bleu cheese, but I can’t imagine this dish without it. I think it’s what made this what it is. It had just the right amount of…everything.

Tasty – 100%

Again, I’ve never had something like this before and was pleasantly surprised. It’s unique mixture of flavors beckoned me to finish the entire plate. The mixed veggies were also very good.

Price – 75%

Going to restaurants, you’ll expect to pay a little more than fast food. This boxtie was $14. They gave me quite a bit of food, but it still seemed slightly high when considering the food. If the establishment is a pub and restaurant, I guess you could expect to pay a little more than some other places? But with the atmosphere they offer (really unique setting with fun decorations and booths to sit in, and being downtown), it seemed pretty fair overall.


For adults 100%: This is definitely a cool place to be. The bar is awesome, the booths are awesome, the tables and chairs are old fashioned, and it’s just cool. It’s a neat place to hang out with friends and grab a good bit to eat and a good drink.

For kids 75%: I really wasn’t getting a vibe that it was catered to kids as much as toward adults. You can bring them with you and have a fun outing together, but this place is definitely an establishment that caters to the adult. I don’t recall seeing a kids’ menu when I was there, or see one available on their website. I think depending on the time of day, it’ll be easier to take your children earlier than later.

Quick Service – 85%

It’s a restaurant. If you’re in a hurry, order ahead and have it ready for pick up. Otherwise, be prepared to stay and hang out awhile. The wait is what you’d expect. We went during lunch and it was still a little long. But we ordered dinner food.

Uniqueness – 100%

How many Irish restaurants have you been too recently? They may not be wearing kilts, but the decorations on the wall, the furniture, atmosphere, it’s one of a kind. I kept looking around the room trying to soak it all in.

Cleanliness – 95%

It was clean. Went to the restroom while I was there and it was fine. They keep it clean and nice for sure!

Feeling Full – 80%

Now, I have a big appetite and it was just enough to leave me feeling satisfied upon finishing. I shared an appetizer (ate almost half of it myself), ate the whole plate, and was ready for dessert. I think you’ll find it fulfilling.

Experience – 95%

I’d highly recommend Jack Quinn’s Irish Pub and Restaurant to anyone who is looking for a fun experience and good time. My overall experience was excellent! I have to give it a 95 instead of a 100 though. Our waiter dropped a sauce cup that shot across the room. He handled it really well as did the customer he almost covered in sauce. And the wait for food kept me hungry a little longer than I would have liked, but I’ll be going back to this place. It was great!

Guinness Beef Boxtie

Although it was a new one for me, I'll be going back for another one of a different kind!





Atmosphere (adults)


Atmosphere (kids)


Quick service






Feeling Full




  • +Unique flavors
  • +Fun atmosphere
  • +Knowledgeable waiter
  • +Good time


  • -Parking was harder to find
  • -Bleu cheese isn't for everyone

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